Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Twelve Step Tuesday -- Step Ten

Continued to take personal inventory and when the humans got in our way we promptly came up with new strategies to remind them as to who is in charge.

PS In yesterday's post I was going crazy for lettuce.


  1. Yippeeee! We just knew it was lettuce!
    Pee Ess: We should record something together, for sure! ~Crikey

  2. When I can figure out how to how to move a ten pound weight, I will again be in charge. I will let you know when that happens.


  3. dont they know us cats are always n charge. once they learn that everyone will get along just fine.

  4. Lettuce? I see the twelve steps have really helped rid you of the urge :-)

    Step thirteen - eat more lettuce

  5. I should have known it was lettuce...

  6. Smart thinking, its always good to remind the humans who is in charge. we know ours forgets very often and thinks she commands us.

  7. Ah, a femme feline after my own heart. Unfortunately, I feel I have lost the most recent battle in my house, but I will not lose the war. Perhaps you could come help me, CD...

  8. Lettuce? That surprises us!

    Thank you so much for coming by and leaving nice words for us about KittyBoy. We miss him so much. He was a big boy and the hole is Momma's heart is just as big.
    ~ The Bunch

  9. But you don't look like a bunny rabbit?


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