Ms. P, Cinza and Mom
"In ancient Egypt, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this." ~ Unknown
Being as we're two rescue kitties, we're fortunate to have a warm, comfy home with two people to torture and boss around (oops, to love and share our diva presence with), especially at this time of year when it can get very cold and so many animals are abandoned for one reason or another.
We wish a speedy and miraculous recovery for all the sick animals and people out there. We also purr for peace, healing and loving homes for the ones who have been abandoned and abused. And for everyone who lives with or works with animals (especially ones who are ill or have special needs), we purr that you will have the resources to always do your best even with the economy doing weird fish flops.
Cinza: Hey, enough of the mushy stuff, time for a game of cat and mouse. You can be the cat and...
Ms. P: Was everyone in your family weird or was it just you?
Ms. P doesn't wait for a response and walks away in search of a quiet place to snooze.
Ms. P and Cinza